Sunday, November 8, 2015

Endangered Species Lab

1.     Include two photos or one video (no more than two minutes in length) illustrating the organism in its natural setting. Do not use any material showing harm to this organism.

2.     State this organism’s ecosystem role. See pages 95 to 98 in your textbook. Every organism has an ecological value because they play an important role in the chemical cycling and energy flow. Since the Grey wolf contributes to other animals in its area along with the plant life, if it went extinct the other organism’s it helps would be affected largely. 

3.     State at least two ecological services this organism provides for humans and other species (at least two ecological services for each, humans and other species = four total), besides providing food. initiating trophic cascades that result in increased growth of woody riparian plants, in nesting sites for songbirds, in materials for beaver dams and in cool, deep ponds needed by juvenile fish. They also help with tourism in the region they live in. People want to see them so they will stay in the town close by and spend money, which helps local economy.

4.     Include a chart or graph showing population of this organism over time and interpret in words the information there.

The chart shows how the population of the grey wolf was so low in 1979, and in 1986 they believed that only 15-20 wolves still remained. Thanks to many different organizations the Grey wolves are making a come back as you can see from the chart. There was even one spotted near the Grand Canyon last year!

5.     Referring to Figure 9-3 in your textbook, list the characteristic(s) that endanger(s) your species. Low reproductive rate: Because there are so little Grey Wolves left they do not have high reproductive rates. Specialized niche, Feed at high trophic level.

6.     Determine if this organism is affected by density dependent and/or density independent factors. Explain this. Independent such as natural disasters, means that no matter how large or small the population is the population will still get affected such as cold weather, tornado, fire. Dependent are factors that depend on how large or small the population is these include food, water, and place to live.

7.     Name and give a two or three-sentence description of an individual or group who is a champions of this species. For the Grey wolf the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the greatest champion. They have gone above and beyond to make sure that the Grey wolf does not go extinct.  

8.     Include a link to one recent scientific article or story about this organism that was written or produced in the last year. Suggestions for sources include ScienceNews, ScienceDaily, and NPR.  Provide a two or three-sentence summary of each. A panel of scientists gathered to discuss the possibility of delisting the Grey wolf from the Endangered Species list. They talked about how they needed to do further research before making the final decision to remove or not to remove the Grey Wolf’s from the list.  

9.     MLA citations of all sources, even the textbook.
University of California - Santa Barbara. "Delist gray wolf from threatened and endangered list? Panel issues report on science." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 February 2014. <>.

“110 Success Stories for Endangered Species Day 2012.” 110 Success Stories for Endangered Species Day 2012. Web. 3 Nov. 2015.

 “ITIS Standard Report- Error.” IT IS Standard Report – Error. Web. 4 Nov. 2015

Miller, G. Tyler, and Scott Spoolman. Essentials of Ecology. 6th ed. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.

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