Sunday, October 25, 2015

Lab 8: Climate Change

Part 1

Climate Change: Basic Information

1.    What portion or portions of this information do you accept as sound science? State a thoughtful reason for accepting. What portion or portions, do you question? State a thoughtful answer for questioning.
In the article Climate Change: basic information I find that it is mostly made up of science. In the first sentence of the article it states, “Earth’s average temperature has risen by 1.5°F over the past century, and is projected to rise another 0.5 to 8.6°F over the next hundred years.” I like that in this statement they use number to indicate what is happening with the world’s climate change instead of just saying that the climate is expected to change over time. In the next paragraph the article states that human activities have made the environment worse by releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. I think that it is nice that the article defines greenhouse gases, this way if someone who didn’t know what they were was reading the article they would be able to understand. “The choices we make today will affect the amount of greenhouse gases we put in the atmosphere in the near future and for years to come.” I really like this quote from the article because I 100% believe that it is true. In the paragraph Climate change affects everyone, the article states that we cannot yet predict the impacts of climate change in the coming years. I find it hard to believe that scientist do not have enough data to give somewhat of a prediction. If the planet gets warmer, then more then likely the polar ice caps are going to melt. Also any animals that cannot survive in warm weather will more then likely adapt or go extinct. 
2.    What are three places can find answers to the parts you question? 
For some of the things that I stated above such as that scientists do not have enough information to predict what might happen if the planet warms up I decided to search some of the sub links for answers. The first one was Climate Change Facts: answers to common questions. The first answer was is there a scientific consensus on climate change? The answer is yes; there are many organizations that agree that the climate is changing and that humans are contributing to it. The next common question they had was what is the evidence that proves the climate is changing? The answer, the global temperature average has increased more than 1.4°F over the last hundred years. For further research I can Google my questions in Google scholar to find more answers from scholarly sources. Another place I can look for answers would be at the library in books that talk about climate change and how it will affect our planet.     
3.    Answer this question: Does having a background in Environmental Biology help you make decisions about what information about the environment you will accept? Explain in some detail and include something about what you know now that you did not know at the beginning of the class. 
I believe that having even the smallest environmental biology background can help anyone get a better understanding about what is happening to our planet thanks to us. Now after learning a few things about the environment I make different decisions on what I eat and what I buy. I like to look at things and see if they are made out of recycled material. I no longer will buy things that come with Styrofoam if I can help it, and also I am in the process of building my own garden so that I can grow veggies and fruits that are free of pesticides for my family. I want to build a little greenhouse in my backyard so that I can grow food all year long, but I am not the most handy person so I might just have to save up and have a professional do that for me.

Source Cited
EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency. Climate Change: Basic Information. Web.

Part 2

The Biotic community I live in is the 142.1 Plains and Great Basin Grassland

The red dot is where I am located

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