Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Oceans Lab Part 1

Oceans Lab

Part 1

Over fishing lead to the Sea Urchin dying, and also lead to the collapse of the cod. Cod was once a great and tasty but now it is a small and cheap fish thanks to over fishing. Industrial Fishing leads to trawling, which then leads to habitat destruction, which is what the continental shelves of the world look like. Magnitude shifts lead to, two kinds of biological pollution. One is caulerpa toxifolia, and the other is nitrogen fertilizer, which feeds plankton. Because there is nothing to eat the plankton they die off and create bacteria in the ocean, which leads to only jellyfish in that area. Another problem is toxic bloom; it took over the Mississippi Delta and the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico at one point and lead to toxic dinflagellate, which kills fish and harms humans. The coast of Brittany is overrun by it, which has led to sea birds flying over and being asphyxiated by the smell and dying. Climate change and warmer oceans lead to coral reef bleaching which leads to algae and reefs dying. This then leads to Positive feedback and Synergy, which will then lead to Dead zones of the Global oceans.